I WOULD like to reassure VL Bradshaw, of Earswick, that he has the full support of Conservatives regarding traffic problems on the northern ring road (Readers' Letters, April 18).

As the Conservative Parliament-ary Candidate for York Outer, I can confirm that David Cameron was made aware of the traffic problems there during his recent visit to the city, and of our local campaign to get the dualling of the road put back on the political agenda.

The Conservative Party chairman, Francis Maude, and Shadow Transport Minister Chris Grayling, have also visited York and seen the traffic problems and gridlock on the northern ring road first hand.

I believe City Of York Council should be discussing this with the Government, and indicating its concerns about safety and congestion on the northern outer ring road in its Local Transport Plan.

The congestion is beginning to have a detrimental impact on the local economy and our quality of life, and this will only increase.

The local authority and the Government should be working together to plan for the long-term future of our area - and that plan has to include the upgrade of the ring road to a dual carriage way.

Julian Sturdy, Conservative Parliamentary spokesman for York Outer, Marston Road, Tockwith, York.