FOR years we have had signs on certain roads in York giving warning of the existence of speed cameras - and yet there has never been a single camera in operation on any of these roads.

As a result, the initial benefit has worn off and motorists and motorcyclists are ignoring the speed limits.

From the evidence of my own observations, I am not convinced speed humps have any noticeable effect on driver behaviour, because those who are slowed by the humps would probably respect the speed limits anyway.

I believe that certain roads in the city and its suburbs (for example, Wetherby Road, Beckfield Lane, Boroughbridge Road, Askham Lane, Hull Road, Shipton Road and Water End, to name but a few) should have static cameras installed so that those who believe they are excused compliance with speed limits are financially penalised.

On the open road in the country, I feel the police have got it right with their selective targeting and use of mobile speed detection equipment.

Static cameras in this environment only seem to create problems as drivers brake hard on the approach to the camera, drive past at 15mph below the limit and then speed up again once they are clear of the measurement bars.

To those who would argue that the presence of such cameras means drivers spend more time looking at the speedometer than at the road, I would say, if you get into the habit of driving within the 30mph speed limit you will develop a sense of the correct speed and will not need to spend so much time looking at the instrument panel.

A Dobinson, Askham Lane, Acomb, York.

* SO City of York Council feels the most important first issue to discuss with the new Chief Constable is speed cameras.

When will the totally out of touch local and national politicians realise that speeding is not a factor in nearly 90 per cent of all accidents.

Speed doesn't kill, it is the sheer bad driving that we all see day in day out on our roads that kills. It is time the anti-car brigade realised this and stopped the spread of speed cameras, which are only used to generate income, and nothing else.

A bit like the army of traffic wardens prowling our lovely streets at all hours of the day trying to issue parking tickets to as many drivers as possible.

I work in Bradford and many of my colleagues refuse to visit York for this one reason. How many other visitors are reluctant to visit York?

I am also concerned to see Ann Reid, Andrew Waller and chums celebrating spending £3.5 million of our money on "improvements" to the A1237 outer ring road. Had the politicians had even one ounce of foresight or common sense, they would have built a road suitable for the anticipated traffic flow.

The first time I used the A1237, I quickly realised it was hopeless. History has shown this to be right. How much of our money has been wasted "improving" the A1237? Why cant the politicians get it right?

Does anyone actually feel confident the May 3 elections will change anything? Of course not, because whoever wins will be just as short-sighted, petty and out of touch.

Simon Hyde, Headley Close, Clifton, York.