AN ORGANISATION which helps children remain in contact with family members following a separation is desperately seeking new volunteers.

York Child Contact Centre acts as a third party for couples who have split and do not feel able to see each other, or for parents who the courts or social services have said should only be allowed supervised visits with their children.

For those parents who do not have to be supervised, the centre is generally just used as a dropping off point. Estranged fathers, mothers or grandparents can then take the children out before bringing them back to the centre where their full-time carer can pick them up.

Family members who have supervised visits can take advantage of the toys and games which the centre has, as well as the small outdoor play area.

Centre manager Jane Bramwell said the organisation had two sets of premises in York, one in Lawrence Street and one in Priory Street, which is only open on a Saturday afternoon and has a lower level of supervision required. It is the latter which desperately needs volunteers. If none are forthcoming, it may be necessary to close the centre every other Saturday.

Mrs Bramwell said: "Volunteers are there to ensure the children are safe. The only record they keep is a register.

"They are there to make drinks, make people welcome and sometimes one parent might want to have a chat about a particular issue if a child has gone home and said something.

"They are there to support both parents and ensure children are safe."

The centre usually deals with children up to the age of ten years old as, after that, children are more capable of making their own decisions about their lives, particularly when they reach their early teens.

Volunteers should be able to commit to working one Saturday afternoon in four. They are unpaid, but expenses are available for things like travel.

The centre is open between 1.30pm and 4pm. All volunteers receive an enhanced criminal records bureau check, which is paid for.

For more information, phone Mrs Bramwell on 01904 410871.