I AM writing regarding the article "Show-Stopper" in The Press on Tuesday, April 17, which concerned the rehearsals of the Northern Musical Theatre Company.

In the report, it was stated: "But it seems their singing didn't much impress the good people of Copmanthorpe - who promptly complained about the noise."

I feel this phrase may have created the wrong impression, that the singing was not of a high quality, and hope this does not deter people from seeing the show.

The complaint was actually referring to the volume of the singing. I have been present for part of some of the rehearsals, and even at this stage of the production, with two more months of rehearsing to go, I have been very impressed with the company's beautiful voices.

The extremely high standard of singing, along with the professional guidance of the directors, Bev and Lesley Jones, and their assistants, I'm sure will certainly do justice to the beautiful, emotive Les Misérables.

So much criticism is levelled at the youth of today. It is refreshing to know these young people have committed so much of their own time over the last few months, and will continue to do so for the performances in July, doing something that not only they enjoy, but for the pleasure of the public as well.

Carol Crawford, Park Lane, Wilberfoss, York.