A YORK church is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the arrival of a vicar who led its revival after it had been on the brink of closure.

David Watson and his wife Anne came to York in 1965 to lead at St Cuthbert's in Peasholme Green.

As the church grew, St Cuthbert's was invited in 1973 to 'plant' into St Michael Le Belfrey Church near York Minster, 'resulting in the lively, Spirit-led family of believers that continues today,' said a church spokesperson.

Rev Watson died of cancer in the 1980s and is fondly remembered at St Michael le Belfrey.

Now a Jubilee Party is set to be held this Sunday with a series of events at locations across the city. A Jubilee Street Party for all ages will take place from 11am at The Storehouse in Mansfield Street, with a barbecue and live music, while Belfrey Hall will host 'creative expressions of church and community life,' led by members of Riding Lights Theatre Company, from 1.30pm.

St Cuthbert's House of Prayer in Peasholme Green will host prayer, partying and worshipping God, also from 1.30pm, while the celebrations of 50 years of mission will culminate at 4pm at St Michael le Belfrey Church, with an hour's all-age service, followed by tea and cakes.