ANOTHER historic York building will be empty in the new year.

TSB has announced it is moving out of the old County Savings Bank premises in St Helen's Square, to pool all its resources at its nearby Parliament Street branch.

The bank's decision follows that of jewellery retailer Swarovski, which vacated the next door premises earlier this year.

TSB says its move will not lead to any job losses, but instead staff will be serving customers in a "significantly upgraded" branch.

The bank building was built in 1830 for the York County Savings Bank and was extended in 1924. The words "Savings Bank" are still visible at the top of the building.

York Press:

Flashback: The County Savings Bank around 1900

Make It York, a company set up to market the city, hopes to attract new businesses to the site.

Head of Business Andrew Sharp said: "What makes York such an attractive shopping destination is the mix of independent and high street retailers, many of which are housed in beautiful and important historic buildings.

"These are a key asset for York’s retail offer. Our focus for the city is on attracting quality retail to ensure these important buildings are used to help draw shoppers into the city centre.

"There always will be a natural turnover of businesses with retailers moving in and out and we’re working with commercial agents to ensure we market these properties to attract new investment here."

A TSB spokesperson said: “Next year, TSB in York will be re-opening a new look branch at 25 Parliament Street.  "The new look branch will be significantly upgraded to provide TSB customers in York with the best service possible – combining personal service and new technology, as soon as they step foot inside the branch.

"Since TSB launched in York city centre with two branches on the 9 September 2013, it has become clear that local residents have shown a choice in which branch they prefer to use.  "Therefore, following the refurbishment and upgrade of the branch at 25 Parliament Street, York’s second branch at 5 St Helen’s Square will close.  "The two branches are just 80 metres away and TSB is writing to customers who use this branch to make them aware of this decision.

"TSB Partners who work in either branch are not at risk of job losses.”