The Christmas floods in York - and particularly what happened in Huntington Road - prompted reader Sarah Ward to send in a photo of an earlier flood in Huntington Road.

She thinks it may have been taken in about 1955. Do any other readers remember a flood in Huntington Road then? In addition to the flooded road itself the photo shows, on the far right, Sarah's mum Karen with her sisters Barbara and Marilyn.

Sarah's photo prompted us to dig around in our archives for more photos of earlier floods in York. Apologies to all those who have had enough of flooding - but at least these pictures show just how resilient York has always been in the face of the rising waters.

We have focussed on twomajor floods: those of 1933 and 1947. The pictures speak for themselves - but it is great to see the way the people of York responded each time. There is plenty of indomitable spirit on show: from the lorry ploughing through floodwaters at the junction of Melrosegate and Fourth Avenue in 1947 to the children playing in a flooded street in Holgate that same year. We particularly like the raised wooden 'pavements' which were put up in flooded streets in 1933, to ensure people could get about while keeping their feet dry. We believe these were used in more recent floods, too. Do any readers remember using them?


York Press:

1947 floods. Leeman Road, Marble Arch


York Press:

1947: floods in Holgate