A WOMAN who has turned 109 says the secret to her long life: Jelly Babies every day - and no men.

Nellie Wright who has reached the milestone and is thought to be Scarborough's oldest female resident has never had a husband, or even a boyfriend.

She celebrated her birthday with a champagne party with friends and fellow residents at her care home, The Lodge.

Miss Wright who moved to the seaside town after enjoying regular holidays at the beach said: "I've stayed away from men all my life - full stop. That's my secret, no men. And living off Jelly Babies - I eat a packet a day."

She added: "I think it's marvellous that I've been able to live this long."

Originally from Leeds, Miss Wright also lived in Lancashire for 51 years and worked for her father who owned a bespoke clothing business.

Care manager Tracy Wood said: "She had a party on Sunday, April 17 which was her actual birthday. We had champagne and the Mayor came to visit."

Miss Wright has also attributed her longevity to health and fitness and enjoying walking holidays, including once climbing Ben Nevis.

Ms Wood said: "She's very friendly and pleasant. She likes to be called Miss Wright as well as Nellie - she's quite particular.

"She takes part in the quizzes, she is really good, she knows everything. She's a wonderful lady."