A STUDENT from York has helped his college team win University Challenge after again stealing the show.

Staff at Oscar Powell’s former York school and college have spoken of their delight at his triumph in the BBC TV quiz.

Mr Powell, who is studying geological science and has attracted huge social media interest because of his animated responses and expressions in the show, attended All Saints RC School in York and then York College, before going to Peterhouse at Cambridge.

The team thrashed St John’s, Oxford in the quiz show’s final, shown on Monday evening, with an 185 point margin of victory.

Miggy Biller, head of maths at York College, who knows Oscar well, said: “I’m delighted for him.”

She said Oscar was already a huge University Challenge enthusiast when at York College ‘so for him to be on that team was tremendous.”

Of his facial expressions, she said: “That’s just him! He’s not putting on an act at all. He’s very much the person you see on TV. Everybody here who knows him would know that.”

Vic Klays, deputy head at All Saint’s, said Oscar had been very well known at the school, adding: “He’s a real character and a incrediby bright young man