I WAS appalled, shocked and horrified at the attack on March 22 at the heart of British democracy, as I would imagine the vast majority of The Press readership were.

I really hope that in the aftermath of the appalling attack on our heart of democracy that the people of York look at the events in perspective and that we do not see any right wing backlash to make life difficult for people from a Muslim background, or indeed people from any other countries.

The idiots who carry out attacks like the attack on Westminster do not act in the name of any religion and definitely not the Muslim faith.

When I served as an elected councillor in York, I remember meeting with members of the Muslim faith on a number of occasions at their mosque in York with great fondness, and indeed great admiration for their friendliness.

Terrorists who carry out such attacks, whether it be in Britain or elsewhere in the world, are lone lunatics who have no real concept of a peaceful world, who are misled. Indeed they are nothing but cowards.

This type of attack has no place in this country or anywhere in the world.

Please let York and the world unite to promote peace and harmony.

Howard Perry, St James Place, Dringhouses, York