MATTHEW LAVERACK’S Soap Box letter (The Press, March 29) demonstrates the writer’s laser-like ability to cut through hype and obfuscation.

“Hmm”, I reacted quizzically when I read (The Press, March 27) that the circus proposed for Piccadilly, the Spark scheme involving shipping containers, had drawn such support.

Now your doughty correspondent reminds us about the nitty-gritty and reality of planning policies and permission etc.

I can hardly believe we’re talking and writing about this idea which is so wrong for York and, in particular, an approach route to the city centre.

After all, we’re not Felixstowe or Immingham.

It’s bewildering that a few years ago this city aspired to become a World Heritage site and now there’s a plan to place a carbuncle (who was it that first coined that term in such a context?) close to a medieval building of national importance, even if the proposed containers give us our Kenny Everett moment, by being “in the best possible taste”.

We are referring to the same city, aren’t we; York formerly Eboracum?

Just thought I’d better check, as I’ve been a citizen of one of these two places for over three-quarters of a century, man and boy, though not necessarily in that order.

You couldn’t make it up. Or could you?

Derek Reed, Middlethorpe Drive, York