A YOUNG woman faces a bill of nearly £1,000 for attacking three police officers in a city centre alley.

District judge Adrian Lower said Toni Broadhead and her partner were behaving in such a way in Lady Peckett’s Yard off Pavement that a local resident thought they were having sex and threw cold water over them.

Broadhead responded angrily and when police, who were called by the resident, arrived, she kicked one between the legs, bit the finger of a second and bit the hand of and kicked a third.

The officers suffered minor injuries.

Mother-of-four Broadhead, 24, of Burlington Avenue, Tang Hall, pleaded guilty to three charges of assaulting police on February 25.

She was fined £600 and ordered to pay £100 each to the three officers, plus £85 prosecution costs.

“Officers should not have to accept this degree of violence against them when they are just trying to do their job,” the district judge told Broadhead.

Defence solicitor John Howard said Broadhead may have had too much to drink that evening because it was the first time she had been out for a long time.

The couple had only been “larking around” in the yard and nothing more. The first they knew about the other resident was when they felt the cold water.

She had been bruised herself because the police had been heavy handed when they had restrained her, he said.

She had also suffered the “most embarrassing incident” in her life at the police station and had complained about police conduct there, he added.

Broadhead had mental health problems and was on medication for depression and anti-psychotic drugs.