I WAS taught 70 years ago that the term “Perfidious Albion” (untrustworthy England), which we saw applied to our country by others in our history books, was untrue and insulting, because as we all knew “an Englishman’s word is his bond”.

Now I find that indeed we cannot be trusted to keep a solemn commitment made 40 years ago.

What do we walk away from next? The United Nations, the Geneva Conventions, the Law of the Sea.

Do we follow the Trump USA - our special relation - and walk away from our undertaking at last year’s Paris Treaty on climate change?

Why should any agreements we make be trusted by the remaining 27 EU members, let alone the other nations we are told are agog to trade with us?

So Perfidious Albion it is; Napoleon was right and my history master was wrong.

Maurice Vassie, Deighton, York