MICKLEGATE residents will be surprised to receive a stream of leaflets from the Liberal Democrats with large headlines like “Who in Micklegate is standing up for you on Brexit?”.

I find it odd that the Lib Dems are now claiming to be standing up against Brexit when they didn’t do anything locally during the referendum.

It was the Micklegate Labour Party that went out and made the case for residents to vote Remain by knocking on nearly every door in the ward, and distributing thousands of leaflets.

And it is the local Labour Party that is working closely with Rachael Maskell MP to continue the fight to retain close links with Europe and protect the rights of EU nationals living in Micklegate.

If the Lib Dems feel so strongly about the issue, you have to wonder why they are in coalition on City of York Council with the local Conservatives, who are backing the Government’s plans for a hard Brexit?

Danny Golding, Albemarle Road, York