THIS is a letter to let people know how we at Age UK York will be delivering our services after April 1.

We are delighted to announce that we were successful in our bid to the council to provide a programme of community services for older people.

This success is not only due to our incredibly dedicated and hard working staff and volunteers, but also to our new partnership with the local teams from the Alzheimers Society and Riccall Carers.

We will be offering services to support older people including befriending, carers support, day activities and dementia clubs, information and advice, support with shopping and general problem solving.

We are hoping that our new partnership will actually feel no different to those people who already enjoy our services, and those of the Alzheimers Society and Riccall Carers at Auden House.

However, our aim over the next months and years is to reach more and more people. We will also be informed by the City of York Council led Older People’s Survey, which is about to land on our door mats and will also be available online.

So if there are any activities or services that are not provided in the city – let us know via the questionnaire and we will work with all of the new community-based colleagues, both within the City of York Council and our voluntary organisational friends to endeavour to provide what’s needed.

We are having an open day at the Priory Street Centre in the main hall in York on Wednesday, April 26, from 10am to 2pm (coffee and cake provided). Please come along and meet the teams.

Further information is available from the Age UK York website and on 01904 627995.

Sally Hutchinson, Chief officer, Age UK York