I AM not going to get dragged into an ongoing debate following Tony Flanagan’s letter (The Press, March 30) as three men arguing the whys and wherefores of women’s reproductive rights is, quite frankly, thin ice.

I will simply say again that any readers who are concerned should take advantage of the fact we live in an open democracy.

They can go to Hansard, read the bill, and read the ensuing debate.

There they can judge for themselves who, out of myself, Mr Jones, and Mr Flanagan, is presenting the facts of the matter.

That is the right way to approach this rather than trusting letter writers, tabloid journalists, or extremist websites.

As my final point on this matter I will say abortion is a tragedy, and you will find few who disagree.

It should be a whole lot rarer. But in my opinion the way to solve that is not through legislating against it - a route that leads only to long-term physical and psychological suffering for one or more people.

It is through education so there are far fewer unwanted pregnancies in the first place.

David Craven, York