YORK City are hitting the headlines once again in the FA Trophy.

In 1955, they were in a similar position in the FA Cup.

They played at Bishop Auckland and I went to the game.

After the game someone who was very confident they would win was handing out cards, stating: “To the memory of the hammer chewer Bishops, who passed out of the English Cup at Kingsway on Saturday, January 29, 1955, to a team from York City who are known as the professionals who travel the Romanway.

“Here’s to Steward and Spence, the Ss who were safe, and Howe to Hughes, Fenton was shown by the Wilkinson pace. He gave the Brown ball some Phillips without illusion, and the Bottom of the Storey was a Forgan conclusion.”

Those were the days.

The team was: Forgan, Phillips, Howe, Brown, Steward, Spence, Hughes, Bottom, Wilkinson, Storey and Fenton.

Alan Pennington, Curlew Glebe, Dunnington, York