SO many injustices envisioned by George Orwell in his prophetic novel 1984 are what dominate the political agenda today in the corridors of Whitehall.

Each government that comes into power seems to bring us ever closer to this nightmarish world and the public just aren’t willing to vote en masse for a party that shifts us away from it.

I work for the Libertarian Party UK as its merchandise officer and I also hold a seat on its national committee.

When our party was founded nearly 10 years ago, one of its first actions was to buy and send every MP a copy of 1984 with the message inside: “This book was a warning, not a blueprint.”

Suffice to say that only two MPs bothered to react publicly.

UK citizens are forced to live their daily lives without a written constitution or bill of rights and we are under the control of an establishment that is hell-bent on subjecting us to never-ending wars, untrustworthy news, political correctness to the extreme, CCTV on every street corner, freedom of speech being curtailed in colleges and universities, insidious snooping into our internet activity, our private web cams being hacked and even Google recording our every movement.

The list goes on and on.

This attack on our liberty is about the enslavement of the entire population of the country.

Big Brother and the Thought Police are coming for each one of us.

Aled Jones, Southcliffe Road, Bridlington