THERE were plenty of fit young men and women at this year’s Active York Sports Awards. And many of them deservingly won plaudits for their sporting achievements.

But as usual, these awards were about so much more than just winning at sport.

For every young athlete, there was a coach, or an inspirational volunteer, who has helped keep things going behind the scenes.

That’s the thing about grassroots sport. It brings people together - people of all ages and all abilities, united in their belief that sport, properly played, can bring out the best in all of us - even if we’re never going to win.

There were plenty of inspiring stories at Thursday night’s awards, as you’d expect.

But none were more moving than that of rugby league stalwart Spen Allison, and his friend the late great York rugby league legend and referee Stuart Evans.

Stuart deservingly won the “outstanding contribution” accolade at last year’s Active York awards.

Tragically, he passed away in November, after a short illness.

But not before he had filled out papers nominating his friend Spen for this year’s “outstanding contribution” award. Stuart’s son Gareth found the papers among his dad’s belongings - and submitted them on his father’s behalf. And sure enough, it was Spen’s name which was called out when the winner was announced on Thursday.

Stuart would have been thrilled, we’re sure.