THE Diary always enjoys a good pun or two, so we were amused to receive an email from church insurers Congregational And General.

The company has spent the past few months perusing church signs, looking for particularly witty or saintly slogans in their quest to find the nation's favourite church poster.

Among the front-runners was "In a jam? God preserves us" - beside a busy junction. Another read "Some piercings cost more than others," while another read: "Give your troubles to God - He'll be up all night anyway."

The ultimate winner was more straight: "God sees us as we can be, but loves us as we are," which fought off fierce competition from the likes of "Carpenter needs joiner - apply within" and "Don't give up - Moses was once a basket case."

But we want to hear your own favourite examples of punning posters - be they for churches or otherwise - from around York and the surrounding area.

Send your entries to: We'll print the best ones in The Diary.

Meanwhile, a footy-loving colleague of The Diary says the church poster contest reminded him of the legendary graffiti, supposedly once daubed at Liverpool FC's Anfield home.

"Jesus saves," read the slogan above the addendum "but Dalglish nets the rebound."

Confused by the smoke signals

THE first week of the smoking ban is over. Pubs and clubs are now fresh-air zones, and thousands of smokers are trying to kick the habit before the onset of winter.

But it seems there have been a few unexpected side effects. One member of The Press reporting team was walking up Bootham earlier this week when he saw what looked like a large commotion up ahead of him in the street.

Unaccustomed to such sights on his walk home, our man quickly sped up, checked the batteries in his digital camera, and reached for his notepad.

It was only as he drew closer to the scene that he realised he hadn't sniffed out some breaking news after all, merely a small army of players from Clifton's bingo hall, taking a well-earned puff between games.