A FORMER York sea cadet has won an all-expenses-paid trip to South Africa through a national cadet competition.

Rebecca Tierney, 18, of Trentholme Drive, South Bank, York, is one of 10 CVQO Duke of Westminster Award finalists selected from an entry pool of 2,000 cadets from across the country.

Any cadet, between the ages of 16 and 19, and having completed a CVQO BTEC qualification can be nominated for this accolade.

The Duke of Westminster Award seeks to find determined individuals who always keep their heads up and remain positive through adversity, those who have overcome a personal challenge or gone the distance to help someone.

Rebecca, who joined York Sea Cadets aged 11, said: “I have loved being at York Sea Cadets who have given me so many amazing opportunities. I am really looking forward to finding out about the South African country and culture.”

Rebecca was nominated to represent York Sea Cadets in the award by her commanding officer in December 2016 but was rejected at the first stage of the selection process.

Her mum Sally said: “She didn’t agree with this decision and wrote to the chief executive of CVQO to ask for a second chance as she thought they had made a mistake in turning her down.

“Incredibly, CVQO agreed and put her through to the second round for sheer tenacity.

“In spite of the initial challenges, she has succeeded in making it through to become one of 10 finalists, after a rigorous, four-day selection process in Somerset.”

The finalists, who came together for the first time since the results have been announced, met at an award ceremony recently at the House of Lords, where Rebecca was also presented with the 2017 Institute of Leadership and Management Achievement Award.

Among the 10 finalists are cadets from the St John Ambulance Service, London Fire Brigade, Air Training Corps, Army Cadet Force and the Sea Cadets.

Sally said: “It is a great honour in particular for the York Sea Cadets as Rebecca is the only sea cadet in this year’s finals.”

Rebecca will jet off to South Africa next Monday for two weeks. She is currently studying for her A-levels in York.

The Duke of Westminster Award is run by CVQO, an education charity, providing vocational qualifications to youth group members and the adult volunteers who devote their time to running them.