BRITAIN’S leading universities - including the University of York - are calling for the Government to clarify the post-Brexit rights of EU nationals immediately to allow the sector to plan “with confidence.”

The Russell Group has outlined 10 points it believes ministers must answer, warning the lack of clarity is “causing considerable concern” for the thousands of EU nationals employed or studying at universities while also “impacting on our ability” to recruit talented people from the bloc.

Oxford, Cambridge and York are among the 24 universities involved in the group which has insisted there is a need to do everything possible to make these EU citizens feel “valued and supported” to stay in the UK.

Prime Minister Theresa May has outlined plans requiring EU nationals resident in the UK to apply for “settled status”, which would effectively guarantee them indefinite leave to remain in the country once Britain leaves the bloc.

The Russell Group has asked for those EU nationals with permanent residence to be “transferred automatically” to settled status, noting: “There is no need to re-assess these individuals’ right to be in the UK.”

A spokeswoman for the Government said: “We have been clear about our commitment to the UK’s world-class higher education sector.”