TWO more motorists have complained about their treatment by a parking firm in York.

They both contacted The Press after we reported how Minster Baywatch had apologised after fining an elderly man for sitting in a Wigginton Road car park when he was upset and confused after his wife was diagnosed with cancer.

Monica Wusteman said she was fined £60 by the firm after her car broke down in a supermarket car park in Fulford Road and, by the time the breakdown service arrived, she had exceeded the two-hour limit.

She appealed, providing Minster with the time of the call-out and repair supplied by the breakdown service, but her appeal had been rejected.

Donald Farrar also told how his wife Alice had an MRI scan appointment at York Hospital and they paid £2.50 to park for two hours in the Wigginton Road car park but later received a letter claiming they hadn’t paid in full and ordering them to pay £60.

They said they believed that if they wanted to appeal, they had to settle the smaller fine, and did so, confident their parking receipt showed they had paid for two hours. But they were then told paying the fine meant they accepted responsibility and were not entitled to a refund.

Minster Baywatch said that retrospectively, with correct information supplied at the correct time, its appeals assessor would have viewed Mrs Wusteman’s case differently and the charge would have been voided.

But, the firm did not receive any correspondence from her until 29 days after the breakdown.

Drivers whose vehicles break down should contact the firm for advice. It said Mr Farrar submitted no evidence he had made any relevant purchase at a pay and display machine, and the registration number on a pay & display ticket since provided by him bore no resemblance to the registration number seen by the firm’s cameras.