AN operating department practitioner who assisted anaesthetists at York Hospital has been suspended because of his “lack of competence”.

Salim M Ahmaida Makhlouf had less knowledge and fewer skills than a first year student, according to a report by the Health and Care Professions Tribunal Service.

A colleague told the tribunal that Mr Makhlouf tried to perform routine checks on an anaesthetic machine without realising it was switched off. She explained how to turn the machine on and off but watched him make the same mistake just days later.

The panel heard that Mr Makhlouf made a series of errors including not taking appropriate steps when the mask that secures a patient’s airway was lost and not providing a reversal drug in a timely manner when it was requested by an anaesthetist.

Panel chair Debbie Hill said: “There is no evidence that Mr Makhlouf has taken any steps to remedy his lack of competence. The panel therefore decided that there was an ongoing risk of repetition and an ongoing risk to patients.”

Fortunately no actual harm was caused to patients because Mr Makhlouf was supervised but the tribunal said there was “potential for very serious harm” if he had been practising independently.

The report said: “Although the registrant was able to establish a good rapport with patients, and was pleasant when communicating with colleagues, his clinical skills and knowledge fell far short of the requirements.”