A COUPLE have said they are being made ill by constant noise and vibrations in their flat.

Reg and Donette England moved to the two-bedroom flat at Deansfield Court in Norton nine years ago.

Mrs England, 58, said: “My husband is disabled and uses a wheelchair so we moved here for the care that is provided.

“However, when we moved we didn’t realise that the laundry is situated below the flat.

“At first we were subjected to the noise 24/7 and although this has now been cut to 10 hours a day, the vibrations are so bad that it knocks pictures and photos off the walls and tables.”

Mrs England said the couple had persistently asked Yorkshire Housing, which owns the housing development to move to another flat.

“We were told that internal moves are not allowed, but one tenant has moved twice,” she said.

“The whole situation is driving us mad. I am back on anti-depressants and I am really struggling with the whole situation.

“I appreciate it has been cut to 10 hours a day, but that is still 10 hours of constant noise and shaking in our flat.

“We are now looking at moving somewhere else just to get away from this as I can’t stand living here for much longer.”

Deansfield Court consists of 50 self-contained one and two bedroom flats with 24-hour care and support services available on site if


A spokesman for Yorkshire Housing said: “Deansfield Court is a purpose built 50 home extra care scheme, suitable for people with support and care needs.

"In the past we’ve worked with two customers to move them within the scheme.

“All applications are reviewed by an allocations panel which decides who’s suitable for housing, based on their care needs.

“We believe Mr and Mrs England’s flat adequately meets their needs.

"We have taken steps to help manage the noise from the laundry area, which is below their flat, so it doesn’t cause a nuisance.

“We’ll continue to work with the couple to help deal with any issues.”