WAGES withheld from striking university staff is being used to pay for graduating students gown hire.

Members of the University and College Union (UCU), took part in several days of strikes in February over an ongoing pension row, alongside UCU members at 63 other universities around the UK.

A letter was sent to students from the university earlier this month which said "the university will pay the cost of gown hire for all of our graduating students", for the graduation ceremonies next month, and in January 2019.

The letter, from Valerie Cotter, director of student services, said: "This has been agreed as one of the ways in which we will use pay that was withheld from staff involved in the recent industrial action.

"This will have benefit for all our graduating students and further discussions are planned with the Students Unions to identify other initiatives from these funds that will benefit our continuing students during 2018/19 and beyond."

Sam Biram is a Computer Science graduate from the university and Green Party campaign co-ordinator, and said he was disgusted by the university's actions, which he said only rewarded "students who succeed", and were "ablest, elitist, and further reinforces the growing stress and mental health epidemic".

He said: "I am appalled by the university’s decision to spend staff pay which was withheld during strikes, on free graduation gowns. Students were consulted and it is thankfully being spent on students directly, however the money was raised by jeopardising student's chances, and is subsequently only being spent on students who managed to pass their exams.

"I would like leaders to investigate how many students failed to progress or graduate this summer, attributable to the industrial action. Giving free graduation robes only rewards those whom the strikes did not affect and does nothing for the huge number of students who struggle daily with university life. These are the students who deserve this money most, especially when support is lacklustre."

A university spokesperson said: "The university is committed to using monies withheld from staff salaries during the recent industrial action for projects and causes that will most benefit students.

"Following discussions with the University's Student Union (YUSU) and the Graduate Student Association (GSA) we agreed that one of the ways to use the withheld staff salaries was to cover the cost of gown hire from the robe makers, Ede & Ravenscroft, for graduating students in July 2018 and January 2019. We are continuing to work with YUSU and the GSA to identify further initiatives that will benefit our students in the next academic year."