After murderer Learco Chindamo won the right to stay in our country and an innocent 11-year-old boy was shot dead, I felt I must write.

I went to a York pub to have a meal and watch the England/Germany football match.

Inside were two young "ladies": bare midriffs, tattoos, multicoloured hair, screeching, laughing and drinking, playing on mobile phones and trying to attract the young men. One "lady" had a baby, no more than six months old. He was ignored.

I left the pub at 10.15pm (they were still there) and on my way out saw a notice stating children must be out of the pub by 9pm. Why were they still there? Was the landlord blind?

Today, in Acomb, I saw three more young girls on benches beside phone boxes in York Road. The two children with them, aged about three or four, were kicking the phone boxes and the telephone receivers were hanging down to the floor while they swung on them. One of the mothers turned round, saw them and screeched at them to "get 'ere now". The children ignored her and she resumed chatting.

What chance does any child have of being a normal balanced human being if not taught right from wrong and respect for other people and other people's property?

It is every child's right to be brought up in a loving, caring, secure environment; to know they are loved, valued and are not just a meal ticket for their parents.

Young law-abiding York people stand no chance of getting on the property ladder, but unmarried mothers get free housing and benefits.

Their children have no future when their parents are parasites.

Is it surprising that we live with anarchy, mob rule and gang warfare?

Mrs P M Batey, Gladstone Street, Acomb, York.