BILLY Blood Drop's flying visit to meet sick children at York Hospital is a stark reminder to us all that more blood donors are needed to enable it to carry out its life-saving work, as NICOLA FIFIELD reports

BLOOD donors save lives - without them millions of people would die every year. But in York, we don't have enough.

The National Blood Service needs 8,852 units of blood every year to meet York Hospital's demand for blood.

One person is able to give one unit of blood (about a pint) up to three times a year, which means the city needs about 3,000 individual donors.

Amy Lansdown-Nasson, who is the York representative for the National Blood Service, said York Hospital's stocks of blood were particularly low at the moment.

She said: "Over the summer months, stocks tend to drop because more and more people are going away on holiday to far flung exotic places where there is a risk of malaria.

"This means they can't give blood for six months and that is quite a problem because we're losing regular donors.

"But having a sudden surge of donors next week won't necessarily help, because blood doesn't last that long. Red blood cells only last 35 days and platelets only last five days.

"What we need is more regular donors, who come back three times a year and enable stocks to be constantly replenished."

Amy explained that one donation of blood could potentially save three lives - because each unit is processed into three different components.

Red cells are used in surgery, platelets are used for people who receive chemotherapy and plasma is used in the burns unit.

And if your only excuse is that you're too busy, the National Blood Service has made giving blood even easier by making it possible for donors to make appointments in advance rather than just turning up to a clinic.

To raise awareness of the desperate need for more blood, Billy Blood Drop - a giant 6ft tall mascot - paid a visit to youngsters being treated in the children's ward at York Hospital.

Amy said: "We hope to remind people how vital it is to donate blood for everyone in York who needs it, especially children."

To register with the National Blood Service, you can phone the helpline number on 08457 711711 or log on to

Giving blood: the facts

* Anybody aged between 17 and 60 can give blood if they weigh over 7 stone 12lbs (50 kilos) and are in good health* Only five per cent of the eligible population are active blood donors * Blood donors can give every 16 weeks - three times per year * Regular blood donors can keep giving up until the age of 70* There are four main blood groups - O, A, B and AB. Group O is the most common and therefore the most in demandThe next blood donation sessions in York are on:* Tuesday, September 18, from 2pm to 4pm and 5pm to 7.30pm in Acomb Parish Church* Thursday, September 20, from 2pm to 4pm and 5pm to 7.30pm in New Earswick Folk Hall* Wednesday, September 26, from 2pm to 7.30pm in The National Centre for Early Music, in Walmgate.