A GIANT wooden cross has been suspended from York Minster’s Central Tower to mark the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday.

The Lent Cross, which measures six metres by three metres, arrived at the Minster on Tuesday. It was put in place ahead of Ash Wednesday (March 6).

Made from wooden scaffolding boards in the Minster’s workshop, the Lent Cross will remain in place until the Feast of Pentecost.

Services and events being held by The Minster during Lent, Holy Week and Easter get underway today, when visitors will be welcomed to receive the sign of the cross marked in ash on their foreheads, at 11am and 2pm, during Holy Communion at 7.50am and 12.30pm, and during the Sung Eucharist at 5.15pm.

On Thursdays during Lent, from 7pm to 9.30pm, there will be silence in the Minster, intended to “introduce the restorative and meditative power of silence”.

A spokeswoman said a clergy member would give a short talk on “how to use silence, drawing on the deep well of teaching, resources and experience in the Christian contemplative tradition – before leading periods of silent meditation,” with poetry readings and music to sustain the stillness and calm.

There will be stations of the cross on Fridays during Lent. Stations of the cross echo Jesus’s journey to crucifixion and the 14 stages along the way.

During the journey around the Minster, hymns will be sung and each station will provide an opportunity for reflection.

On Good Friday, families are welcome to share in the stations of the cross which will be on the railings in Dean’s Park.

The service begins in the Chapter House at 11.30am, will last about an hour and will be followed by drinks and hot cross buns.

Visit the Minster’s website - www.yorkminster.org - for more details about its services and events for Lent, Holy Week and Easter 2019.