A YORK college has received a glowing Ofsted report with inspectors awarding the highest status of “outstanding”across the board.

The report about Askham Bryan College focuses on the overall experiences and progress of residential students, including their view of college life, how well they are helped and protected, and the effectiveness of leaders and managers.

Catherine Dixon, chief executive of the specialist land-based college, said: “We are absolutely delighted to receive an outstanding grade across all categories. This is a huge achievement and a testament to the hard work and dedication of our staff and their commitment to our students.”

The report says that the college provides highly-effective services and that its actions contribute to significantly improved outcomes and positive experiences for young people.

Its leadership is described as “exceptional”.

Inspectors note that students “live in a welcoming, friendly and secure campus”. The report says they feel safe and more confident and independent through living away from home.

It recognises that the support students receive has a big impact on their all-round development, stating that the students are “confident, polite, hard working and respectful young people who have a clear idea about their future”.

“They have vastly improved results, attendance and retention figures,” the report adds.

It mentions that students enjoy increased access to work experience and benefit from a range of extra-curricular work and study activities.

Student behaviour is said to be “exemplary”.

Inspectors also note that the principles of inclusion, equality and diversity are at the heart of college life, and a “comprehensive” safeguarding practice ensures students are protected from harm.

The college’s management team is described as forward thinking with staff working as a “cohesive motivated team” with the welfare and development of students a vital part of their practice.

The strong, established links with industry and employers are also highlighted as an important factor in increasing students’ employability and the college’s work in applied research projects is acknowledged.

Askham Bryan College has six centres across the North of England, and its main campus is on the outskirts of York.

The college has around 5,000 students studying a wide range of courses from agriculture to sport and from engineering to horticulture.