A DELIVEROO cyclist's bike has been damaged in an altercation with a man in a York street.

North Yorkshire Police said the 'public order incident' happened outside KFC in Blossom Street between 7.05pm and 7.15pm on Monday last week.

"We are requesting the public’s assistance to help establish the full circumstances surrounding the incident," said a spokesperson, adding that the cyclist was wearing a red bike helmet with black hood, dark clothing and with a green Deliveroo back pack on, and riding a red race bike.

The other person was 'chubby' and wearing a burgundy beanie hat, with an orange and white stripe.

"He was also wearing dark jeans, a black gilet and a grey long-sleeved top with sleeves rolled up, showing tattoos on his right arm."

Anyone with information should phone101 or email benjamin.sykes866@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk, quoting reference number 12190049015.