A STAR Wars Stormtrooper and a Chewbacca have joined a Dalek and Freddie Mercury in invading York city centre - but don't worry, the Ghostbusters were there to protect innocent shoppers.

Yor-Kon 2019, a Comic Con Toy and Collector Festival, was staged in Parliament Street yesterday, and that meant

Lord Vader was back with his Army of Troops, raising money for SHASBAH (Sheffield Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus).

There was also a Dalek, threatening to exterminate passersby unless they gave to Children in Need, and a Gaming arena and free Retro Gaming Zone, where people could play the old classic games on classic consoles, not to mention a Zombie Survival School and lots of trader stalls and tables.

There was also Freddie with his vacuum cleaner and a dodgy moustache, aka Paige Bottomley from Tadcaster, and her/his comic book pal, aka Charlotte Brown from Scarborough.

And, 'available for supernatural investigations, events, shindigs and bar mitzvahs,' were the Yorkshire Ghostbusters.

It was all good fun - unless you happened to one of York's many ghosts, of course.