POLICE are offering nervous neighbours a poster to put on their doors requesting "No Callers" this Hallowe'en.

The poster is downloadable from the force's website www.nothyorkshire. police.co.uk.

The force is also urging parents and their children to put safety first on their trick or treat trips this Hallowe'en - and warning about the consequences of tricks which may get out of hand.

A North Yorkshire Police spokeswoman said: "Hallowe'en is an exciting time for young children, but not everyone looks forward to ghouls and monsters touring the neighbourhood.

"What starts as a fun festive activity can all too often escalate into anti-social behaviour or criminal activity."

North Yorkshire Police are urging households who don't wish to be visited by trick-or-treaters to download a copy of the "No Callers" poster from their website at www.northyorkshire.police.uk.

They have also warned would-be trick or treaters that any antisocial behaviour and criminal acts reported will be dealt with robustly.

Community Safety Inspector Stuart Mackleston said: "Hallowe'en can be great fun for children and we want all the children to be safe and enjoy themselves, but it's important to bear in mind that some members of our communities, particularly the more vulnerable, can feel intimidated or threatened by trick or treating.

"If you're planning on a trick or treating trip this Hallowe'en, we would urge you to enjoy the occasion but do so with respect for other members of your community.

"What can seem like a harmless trick by one person can be perceived as anti-social behaviour by another and it's all too easy for tricks to get out of hand and lead to illegal activity.

"We want revellers to have fun and enjoy the season sensibly, but be warned that we will deal robustly with any reported criminal incidents."

North Yorkshire Police also urged parents to supervise planned trips to ensure trick or treating was undertaken safely and without any adverse or inappropriate incidents.

How to make Hallowe'en a safe night for everyone

Not everyone appreciates trick or treaters. To prevent unwanted ghosts and ghouls, put a "no callers" note on your front door, or download the poster from the police.

If you are prepared to receive the local monsters, switch on your outside light and remove any trip hazards.

If you set lanterns outside your front door with candles in them, make sure that they are far enough out of the way so that costumes won't accidentally be set on fire.

If you are driving on the evening of October 31, remember that excited children don't always do as they are expected, so slow down in residential areas and take extra care.

If you feel intimidated, call North Yorkshire police.