YORK Central MP Rachael Maskell says the future of stalls in York’s Shambles Market has been confirmed after a meeting with stallholders and Make It York.

She said the destination management organisation Make It York had agreed to work closely with traders on a project to look at how to improve the market, drawing on best practice.

The Press reported last month that market traders had told councillors they feared 24 stalls at the entrance to Shambles Market would be removed by Christmas.

Ms Maskell said she had organised a meeting between Make It York, local traders, the National Market Traders Federation and Cllrs Fiona Fitzpatrick and Claire Douglas to discuss the future of the stalls.

She said the meeting reviewed proposals to relocate elements of the market during important upgrade work, including an improved power supply, and possibly security, wifi and lighting to the market area.

“As part of the discussions it was agreed that traders’ representatives and the National Market Traders Federation would be involved in a working group to oversee the upgrade of the market and how it can best serve York.

“The meeting agreed that the default position is that the market stalls should remain in Jubbergate following the planned upgrade to infrastructure, with consultation on their long term future.

“Reaching agreement that traders and their federation will be involved in the development of the market is good news."

Kevin Tuohy, of Shambles Market Business Improvement Group, said: “The traders from the Shambles Market welcome the opportunity to work more closely with all parties concerning the future welfare of the market.”

Joe Harrison, chief executive of the National Market Traders Federation, said: “The meeting was a very useful one in securing an outcome for the market traders to play an important role in any consultation on the market’s future."

Claire Douglas, Labour spokesperson for economy, said the market was a vitally important part of York’s economy and it was "very positive" to see Make It York had acknowledged this.

Make it York managing director Sean Bullick said it had given categorical assurances that stalls would not be removed from Jubbergate before Christmas, as had previously been suggested.

“We look forward to working with the traders and their representatives on how best to invest in and grow the Shambles Market, continuing its long and proud history,” he said.

“As discussed in the meeting, in early 2020 we will be commissioning a report on future development options for Shambles Market and Make It York will ensure traders and their representatives are involved in this important piece of work as it evolves over subsequent months.”