A YORK-based charitable trust has given The Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal a £5,000 boost.

The Pavers Foundation, founded by shoe retailer Pavers, has made the donation on behalf of Stuart Paver, managing director of the footwear business. Stuart wanted to honor the bravery and courage of serving and ex-serving personnel.

The Royal British Legion is the country’s largest charity dedicated to supporting the Armed Forces.

Every year, around the time of Remembrance Sunday, The Royal British Legion launches its Poppy Appeal, to show support for the Armed Forces community.

Robert Gray, who served as a war dog handler and an infantry soldier in Ireland, and now volunteers for The Legion, said: “Thank you so much to the Pavers Foundation and Stuart Paver for this generous donation.

“The Royal British Legion is a fantastic charity dedicated to looking after ex-serving and serving personnel.

“A donation like this will go on to help so many, from those that are facing difficulties such as homelessness and members of the Armed Forces community that are in need of financial support.”