A RETIRED housebuilder is preparing to celebrate Brexit tonight with fireworks and champagne at his home near York - and has made his views clear in advance of the party by posting four Union Flags and a sign on his garden gates with a very stark message to 'Remoaners.'

John Jones, of Sand Hutton Manor, a Brexit Party member and formerly of UKIP, said he was inviting neighbours round to the party, including people who he said had voted to Remain but who had 'lost the argument.'

His sign, which has a message to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, and the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, as well as to Brexiteers and Remainers, reads: "31January 2020. Beautiful Brexit. Goodbye EU. Make Britain Great Again. Remoaners please feel free to join the petulant pair Harry and Meghan in Canada. That sanctimonious ice box Justin the snowflake awaits you."

But John said he had asked in vain if the village bells could ring.