A FORMER police employee from York has been jailed for four years for possessing and distributing “depraved” indecent images of children.

Bradley Paul Smith, 36, who worked as a safety camera van operator with North Yorkshire Police, also admitted voyeurism.

Detectives found videos - which Smith had filmed - taken from inside the men’s changing room at a gym, a video of a teenager getting changed inside a bedroom and a child asleep on a bed.

Smith was arrested on February 6 last year and suspended from duty. He has since been sacked.

Detective Sergeant Lee Allenby, of the North Yorkshire Police online abuse & exploitation team, said it was “very concerning” that Smith, while still on police duties and on the same day he was arrested, had uploaded two serious Category A indecent images of children on his personal tablet.

He added: “This showed how deeply he was embroiled in this depraved and secretive world. However, there is no evidence or suggestion that offences were committed using police equipment.”

Smith was arrested after information was supplied police by the National Crime Agency.

North Yorkshire Police forensically examined numerous smart phones, tablets and laptops to secure evidence.

A large collection of indecent images of children, going back to 2011, were recovered including those classified in the most extreme Category A, as well as Category B and C offences.

The investigation team also recovered the videos taken by Smith.

Smith appeared at York Crown Court on February 10 where he pleaded guilty to making more than 3,000 indecent images of children, as well as distributing images, taking an indecent picture of a child and eight counts of voyeurism.

Smith was jailed for four years at York Crown Court yesterday.

He was also made subject to a sexual harm prevention order and placed on the sex offenders’ register.

DS Allenby added: “When the evidence of his offending was presented to him during the investigation, Bradley Smith initially claimed he was only interested in adult pornography and that the indecent images of children were downloaded accidentally.

“However, we were able to prove beyond doubt that he is a serious offender and it is pleasing that he admitted his guilt at court. He is now facing up to the consequences of his sickening actions.

“This case shows that North Yorkshire Police is determined and equipped to secure justice in such a complex investigation. Also that we operate without fear or favour even when the suspect works for the same police force.”

An NSPCC spokesperson said: “Smith has fuelled an industry where children suffer the most horrific abuse for the sexual gratification of sickening individuals like him, who can access these images and videos in just a few clicks.

“The NSPCC is calling on tech companies, law enforcement and government to work together to find ways to cut this vile material off at source.”

Anyone concerned about a child can call the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000, while children and young people can contact Childline free and confidentially on 0800 1111 or via www.childline.org.uk