LEAFLETS with information about support during the coronavirus outbreak will be sent to every household in York - in a bid to reach residents who do not use the internet and social media.

City of York Council's initial leaflet did not arrive at many homes - due to problems with distribution.

But the local authority has now decided to use Royal Mail to deliver flyers to residents to keep them up to date.

During the next few weeks householders can expect to receive a leaflet outlining how people can volunteer and how to access help, a letter thanking them for their help and containing health information, and a copy of the Our City newsletter.

Cllr Darryl Smalley said: “Our plan to distribute vital information to residents has never been more important.

"Due to unavoidable issues with our current distribution network, our latest leaflet for residents was not delivered to the whole city and we would like to thank residents for reporting on the patchy distribution.

“In response to this feedback, we have made the decision to use the Royal Mail to distribute all our resident leaflets direct to people’s letter boxes, in order to ensure the whole city is provided with the most up to date and accurate information from the council.

"Over the coming weeks, residents will be sent a variety of information on how to access support or volunteer, through to the latest service changes at the council. I’m pleased that this plan includes recommissioning the recently mis-delivered leaflet.”

A range of support is available for residents from the council.

Help is available with bills, council tax, getting food and medicine for the most vulnerable - and residents in need of any other support can email covid19help@york.gov.uk, or telephone 01904 551550.

A programme of support for businesses has also been rolled out and for information visit york.gov.uk/BusinessSupport.

The council is also sending out a weekly newsletter by email - to sign up visit york.gov.uk/form/EmailUpdates.