A SOLDIER from York recently took on a 24-hour challenge to raise funds for the NHS to support them through the coronavirus pandemic.

Josh Downes, born and bred in the city in the Acomb area, is now based in Catterick Barracks in North Yorkshire.

He has done charity work in the past, but decided to take on this challenge to support the NHS through these difficult times.

The challenge, which he carried out while in self-isolation on March 28, involved Josh swinging a kettlebell, weighing 24 kilograms, 10,000 times over the 24-hour period.

Josh 25, said: “I wanted to make sure I used my time in isolation constructively, while raising money for a great cause like the NHS.

“I also want to try and inspire others to use this time to challenge themselves in new ways.

“I’m looking to spread some positivity around through these difficult times.”

The challenge involved Josh swinging the kettlebell between six and nine times every minute, which allowed him to have a 7 minutes rest every hour, where he would have some food and drink to keep his energy levels up.

He had no sleep throughout the 24-hour challenge.

Josh said: “This is the hardest challenge I’ve done.

“There were points where I didn’t think I was going to finish, but I managed to pull through.

“I want this to be a message of inspiration to others, to keep fit and healthy.”

The challenge ran from 12pm on March 28 to 12pm on March 29, which saw Josh complete the task on his birthday.

Josh said: “I was knackered after it. I spent the rest of my birthday in bed.”

Josh also live streamed the whole 24-hours on Facebook, which can still be viewed on his profile.

Over the course of the challenge, Josh received messages of inspiration on the live stream.

Some of these messages also explained how his fundraising had inspired others to take on their own challenges.

The soldier aimed to raise £100 from taking part in the challenge. However, his total raised currently stands at around £3,100.

Josh’s mum, Sharon praised his fundraising efforts.

Sharon said: “I feel he needs some recognition for this. Hes a hero and fought in Afghanistan but he is giving something back to all the other heroes in this crisis.”