THE newest Nightingale Hospital opens in Harrogate this weekend, providing vital additional bed capacity to help combat the Coronavirus pandemic.

The new facility was constructed in less than two weeks, converting eight halls normally used for exhibitions and events into the temporary hospital containing approximately 500 Level three critical care beds.

Mike Silcock, managing director of Silcock Leedham, the company that provided engineering services for the hospital, highlighted some of the issues the company came across over the two weeks:

  • The Harrogate Convention Centre provided a unique challenge – while the Excel in London is a modern, purpose-built event venue with one major open hall, Harrogate is a more inaccessible venue more than 30 years old, with eight separate halls.
  • Having to create essential zones in tight spaces – such as a mortuary in a basement that had height restrictions.
  • The sheer scale of the work delivered in less than two weeks which resulted in a fully functioning field hospital with help from NHS staff, the Army and other contractors.

Director of Harrogate Convention Centre, Paula Lorimer, said: “At Harrogate Convention Centre, we are proud to support the NHS and are enormously grateful to, and in awe of, our health and care professionals.

"They are truly heroic in responding to Covid-19. We, and no doubt the entire town, will do all we can to support their efforts."