A NORTH Yorkshire Slimming World consultant has been nominated for the Community Pride Person of the Year award by members from her group for “keeping them all going”.

Caroline Kitching, who lives in Acklam, has worked for Slimming World for two years.

Her group members said that she has “brought it back to life,” after starting as a member but eventually taking over as a consultant.

When discovering that she had been nominated, Caroline said she was “speechless”.

The Slimming World consultant has kept in daily contact with her members throughout the lockdown period, due to coronavirus, to ensure they are keeping safe and well.

Caroline usually runs two Slimming World groups per week, in Stamford Bridge and Dunnington.

However, due to the outbreak of the virus, these have been postponed until further notice.

She now hosts online groups through the Zoom programme, where they discuss their Slimming World goals as well has taking part in quizzes.

Caroline said: “It’s a great way to reach out to stop everyone going crazy through these strange times.

“It’s keeping me sane as well. These times are very unknown for everyone.”

Caroline was nominated for the Person of the Year award by one of her group members, Elizabeth Allen.

Elizabeth said: “Caroline is like our guardian angel. She has gone out of her way to keep us all going.

“She is absolutely amazing, a superstar to all of her members.

“We are like one big family. We all want to make her as proud of us as we are of her.

“Caroline deserves an award for supporting us through mental health issues and social isolating.”

Caroline’s group members have tried to offer her some payment for her services, but she does not want to accept.

She said: “I don’t see it as a job. I just love supporting the members.”

The York Community Pride Awards are backed by City of York Council and the main sponsor is York-based Benenden Health.

The awards recognise the work of residents of York who go the extra mile to make a difference to the lives of others.

Entries can be posted to York Community Pride Awards, The Press, 84-86 Walmgate, York YO1 9YN. Or you can submit your nomination on The Press website.

The closing date for entries is Friday, July 24.

Nominations must include a supporting statement of no more than two sides of A4 with each entry and should include a photograph, which we will be unable to return.