POLICE have thanked the public for following the Government’s guidance and staying home over the Easter weekend to help slow the spread of coronavirus

Officers on patrol across the county on Good Friday (10 April) reported quieter seafronts, beauty spots, towns and cities, which would usually be crowded with visitors at this time of year.

A small minority of people continue to ignore the restrictions however, and the force has responded to reports of groups gathering across the county, including a small number of BBQs and house parties.

Mike Walker, North Yorkshire Police’s Assistant Chief Constable and Gold commander leading the response to the outbreak, said:

“We know how difficult these measures are for everyone – especially at a time of year when many of us would be seeing our loved ones, spending time with friends or setting off on holidays – but we would like to reiterate our thanks to the majority of people across North Yorkshire, who are making the right decision and staying home.

“However, we urge people to continue following the guidance, to help slow the spread of coronavirus, and support the capacity of our colleagues in the NHS to save lives. This includes not meeting up with other people from outside your household to have barbecues or house parties, even if social distancing is observed.

“Unfortunately, a small minority of people continue to show such a blatant disregard – not only for the Government’s guidance but also for the lives of others, including their own friends and their loved ones.  Anyone can get it. Anyone can spread it. That is why we need everyone to play their part and help frontline services by staying home and not putting yourself or others at risk. If you have a BBQ or get together with friends or family planned then those plans need to change.

“We’ll be continuing our high-visibility patrols over the weekend and will continue to engage, explain and encourage members of the public to adhere to the guidelines. We will only use enforcement if we have to. Thankfully, the vast majority of people in our communities are taking measures very seriously.

“The message is clear – stay at home to protect the NHS and save lives. Please, do the right thing this weekend. The more we follow the rules, the sooner we can get back to normal. Thank you.”

For further information about the force’s response to coronavirus, advice on how to keep safe and Frequently Asked Questions visit the coronavirus page on the North Yorkshire Police website.