YORK best in the country when it comes to people adhering to the coronavirus health guidelines.

The latest figures from the government-backed Evergreen Life health website show how the city compares to other centres – both in terms of people showing symptoms, and people following government advice to stay at home.

As of today (Sunday, April 12) five per cent of York households have someone showing symptoms of Covid-19.

If we take York’s number of households to be 83,552 that would mean about 4,178households have someone with symptoms.

That is very much at the low end – Swansea is one of the highest, with 29 per cent of households affected.

In York 97 per cent of people are staying at home. And the proportion of non-key workers who are flouting the stay-at-home rules is three per cent – putting us near the top of the table for compliance.

The worst area for flouting the regulation is Middlesbrough, with a whopping 25 per cent of non-key workers not staying at home.

The Evergreen Covid-19 Heat Map takes daily symptom and social distancing updates from users, excluding key workers. 

The data can be found at https://www.evergreen-life.co.uk/covid-19-dashboard.