THE Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has paid tribute to several nurses and doctors who he said saved his life.

In a video, he said: "I have today left hospital after a week in which the NHS saved my life, no question. 

"It is hard to find words to express my debt. 

"I have seen the personal courage, of everyone description, who have kept coming to work, putting themselves in harm's way. It is thanks to that courage, that devotion, that duty, that love that our NHS has been unbeatable." 

He went on to plead with members of the public to stay at home. 

You can watch the full video below. 

It is hard to find the words to express my debt to the NHS for saving my life.

The efforts of millions of people across this country to stay home are worth it. Together we will overcome this challenge, as we have overcome so many challenges in the past.

— Boris Johnson #StayHomeSaveLives (@BorisJohnson) April 12, 2020 ">http://