Christian Vassie’s latest take on experts... oh dear (Why it’s the experts who will save us, March 4).

Despite all the great intentions and efforts of medical experts - for which most deserve no criticism - while they have indeed warned of viral pandemics, crucially they haven’t found any cures. Right now your best defence against Covid-19 is not the help of experts, it’s your own immune system and common sense.

Experts advise rightly that we socially distance ourselves, not because they have all the answers, but because they’re wise enough to realise that they don’t. The day experts think they know it all is the day science becomes a religion.

Which experts advised we should all turn to diesel cars because they produce less carbon dioxide, failing to assess what the far more immediate and real damage of nitrous oxide compounds, well known at the time to be toxic, would be?

Will the benefits of a warmer climate in combatting viral infections be fairly added to the scales of the climate change debate? We should always challenge experts as in the words of the humble genius Richard Feynman: “Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts”.

Dr Scott Marmion, Woodthorpe, York