MYTH-BUSTING advice about the coronavirus has been issued by the Head Matron at York-based mutual healthcare society Benenden Health.

Cheryl Lythgoe has shone a light on a series of myths circulating about the pandemic - in particular ways of avoiding catching the disease.

Cheryl, who is currently undergoing a Phd at the University of York while spending the rest of her time supporting Benenden’s matrons and wider workforce, has retaliated by providing "factual, medical insights," said a spokeswoman.

First in her sights is a claim that alcohol can kill the coronavirus. “Booze will not prevent you catching the virus,” she said. "Whether it’s vodka or the finest Merlot, your tipple of choice will not cure coronavirus.

“Spraying alcohol or chlorine all over your body will also not help. Alcohol and chlorine can be useful to disinfect surfaces, but they need to be used under appropriate recommendations.”

Second is the belief that coronavirus only affects older people. “Any age can be affected by the new coronavirus,” she said. “Older people, those with an impaired immune system or people with some medical conditions like asthma, diabetes, heart diseases, etc appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with Covid-19.”

Next is the myth that all hand sanitisers can protect you from infection. “In the case of hand sanitisers, not all are created equal,” she said. “They are extremely useful when travelling or commuting, but if your hand sanitiser contains less than 60 per cent alcohol – or, worse, none – it won’t offer much protection from coronavirus.

“Expert advice at PHE and the WHO states that hand sanitisers must contain at least 60 per cent alcohol to be truly effective. Soap and water remain the most effective method of removing bacteria and viruses.”

Another myth is that hand dryers kill the coronavirus. “No, not even those made by James Dyson!” she said. “Hand dryers are not effective in killing coronavirus or any other known virus. To protect yourself, clean your hands frequently with soap and water. Once your hands are cleaned, you should dry them thoroughly by using paper towels or a warm air dryer.”

She also said it is NOT true that:

  • Antibiotics can be used to treat the virus
  • Vaccines against pneumonia protects people
  • It is unsafe to receive any package from infected countries
  • Gargling and using mouthwash protects people
  • Covering up with DIY masks and gloves is effective.