A York man will tomorrow appear before Leeds Crown Court accused of murder.

David Roustoby, 44, of Rawcliffe Lane, York, is alleged to have killed David Clarke, of Huntington Road, York, more than 10 years ago.

Police recovered Mr Clarke’s body from the River Foss near Towthorpe on April 18, 2007 after a member of the public saw it and alerted them. He was 43.

Roustoby was charged last week and appeared before York Magistrates Court sitting in Leeds on Saturday.

Because he is charged with murder, he could not apply for bail and was sent in custody to Leeds Crown Court for an initial hearing.

More than 20 police officers and scenes of crime officers carried out work at the riverbank in the hours immediately after Mr Clarke’s body was found.

His full name was John David Clarke, but he generally used his middle name.