A COMMUNITY group set up in response to the coronavirus pandemic has grown from a few people to a town-wide network.

The Pocklington COVID-19 Community Support Group, set up on Facebook, now has over 100 volunteers providing a daily support network to vulnerable residents across the East Yorkshire town and 21 surrounding villages during the pandemic.

Ruth Jackson, one of the group’s founders, said: “The community response to these calls for volunteer support have been incredible with a large number of residents offering their time and expertise.”

The group are offering support including providing help with collecting prescriptions or shopping, providing essential food and household items, dog walking, offering phone buddies for those who feel isolated and education support for parents and children who may need assistance with the school work.

Ruth went on to say: “We set up a crowd funding page where all the money raised will be used to support local businesses by ensuring that products are purchased locally.”

Working with the community support group is the Pocklington Rugby in the Community (PRITC) charity.

Andy Bowden, Chairman of PRITC, said: “During these difficult times it is important that as a local community we work together to support each other.

“Not everyone has family, friends or neighbours who they can call on for assistance so this local response to supporting these vulnerable people has been fantastic.”

Any individuals in need of help should call the Pocklington COVID-19 Community Support Group on 01759 740844.

The Facebook page can be accessed at: bit.ly/2K5XDcl

The work of the hub covers the following towns and villages: Allerthorpe; Barmby Moor; Bielby; Bishop Wilton; Bolton; Burnby; Catton; Fangfoss; Full Sutton; Hayton; Kirby Underdale; Melbourne; Millington; Newton on Derwent; Nunburnholme; Pocklington, Seaton Ross; Spittal; Stamford Bridge; Sutton on Derwent; Thornton; Wilberfoss; and Yapham.