PLANS have been submitted to turn a former butchers shop into two homes.

A planning application outlines a scheme to convert the former Swains butchers opposite the Co-op in Copmanthorpe.

The statement says outbuildings to the rear of the shop on Church Street would be demolished.

The main building would be turned into two two-bedroom homes, with bathrooms next door to the kitchens and a one-and-a-half storey extension built at the rear.

The application for the 96sqm site has been submitted by agent John Howlett Planning.

It says: "Having regard to the loss of retail unit, it is considered that appropriate alternate facilities exist locally, such that the loss of unit will not cause harm. The change of use and extension will safeguard the building’s impact in the street scene and the wider conservation area.

"In any event, the site is opposite a larger Co op store where the main day to day needs of the community can be serviced from."

To view the application visit reference 20/00590/FUL.