A RESIDENT from a care home in York celebrated her 100th birthday last week with an in-house party.

Marguerite Posnett celebrated reaching the milestone with the staff and residents from the Derwent House Care Home in Kexby. The party involved a song and dance session, which Marguerite involved herself in.

The head chef from the home made her a special cake which everyone enjoyed while Marguerite’s carer read out her special birthday card from Queen Elizabeth.

As Marguerite’s family could not be with her due to the coronavirus pandemic, the staff arranged for a video call so they could join in the celebrations from their own homes.

Marguerite was originally born in Belfast and was one of five children to William and Margaret.

She has been a resident at Derwent House Care Home for the last five years and is “love by all the staff.”

James Ixer, of the care home, said: “She has always had an infectious joyful approach to life and loves music; always joining in with singing and dancing.”

The residents of the care home have painted a ‘Stay Safe’ rainbow on their lounge window.